
Were you one of the OG's that hold a Casperpunk?

The initial (Gen0) 100 CasperPunks have been minted to celebrate the birth of NFTs on Casper blockchain.

Additional (Gen1) 5,000 CasperPunks will be available to mint in 2023. The price of each CasperPunks is yet to be determined due to fluctuation of $CSPR tokens.

Gen0 CasperPunks can be used to get a guaranteed whitelist of Gen1 CasperPunks.

The Gen1 CasperPunks will be all Common punks and also be the first ones to be enabled for breeding, evolving and farming in Q2 2023.

While we encourage most to hold and grow your CasperPunks, the Gen1 punks will be available to trade on our Marketplace.

Last updated